Multi-Client Studies

Battery Materials

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Global Battery Anode Materials Study

This study is designed to provide a quantitative and qualitative strategic market analysis of the global battery anode value chain, by major component. We will include what we assess to be feasible innovations and thus build up the supply-demand gap analysis over a forecast period to 2040.

It will provide industry stakeholders with a clear overview of demand volumes in major downstream markets and anode materials, as well as expected technologies, production capacities, investment needs, and other supply chain developments. A roadmap will be developed showing the advancements of anode material in high-energy LIBs and for promoting sustainable battery technologies. The study will inform users on present challenges and how to mitigate risks.

The study is scheduled to be completed within six months post-launch and will be delivered electronically (pdf).

Our preliminary Table of Contents are available here.


Global Battery Anode Materials Study Prospectus