Case Study

Sustainable decommissioning program for offshore assets in the Gulf of Mexico

School of fish swimming in an artificial reef made of decommissioned oil platform.

How do you decommission offshore platforms to meet market demands without negatively impacting the environment?

By teaming with the best, of course. We recently partnered with Morrison to complete a multi-asset decommissioning program in the Gulf of Mexico at record speed. We found a way to add value by recycling 90 percent of the waste material. This material was used to create artificial reefs, enhancing the marine environment and attracting local marine life.

Implementing cost-effective decommissioning techniques

One challenge that the energy industry faces is removing liabilities without negatively impacting the environment. A single source partnership can bring together the resources and expertise to remove these assets on time and on schedule, while managing costs.

Crane lifting away part of an offshore structure being decommissioned.We delivered full-field engineering services for five structures and their associated wells, pipelines, topsides and jackets in the Gulf of Mexico. This included pre-planning, engineering, regulatory interfacing, well abandonment, and facility removal/dismantling.

Our experts tackled the challenge of engineered small piece removal whilst overcoming the lack of detailed facility engineering data. Morrison amplified our capability by undertaking all regulatory interface. It also provided marine knowhow and equipment, including maintenance and inspections of the facilities and handling all site clearance.

Streamlining for faster delivery

Multi-asset decommissioning programs of this size typically take many years, stretching the budget. Working with Morrison helped us to realize efficiencies through a combined team of engineers and regulatory experts. We streamlined the process by developing removal methodologies that suit the equipment we had readily available rather than mobilizing equipment spread across the globe.

The result? We delivered a cost-effective campaign in less than 12 months from start to finish. We also recycled 90 percent of the platform materials. Having freed up capital, our client can move forward with reinvestment.


“This project is one of many examples of how we’ve successfully partnered with Worley to deliver a safe and seamless end-to-end decommissioning solution for our clients in the Gulf.”

Kelly Reeves, VP Marketing – Morrison 


“This project shows how our distributed engineering teams and decommissioning SMEs are working with a key regional player such as Morrison to deliver great outcomes. We look forward to partnering on many more projects as the world transitions to a greener future.”

John Cox, Global Decommissioning Director – Advisian


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In-article photo courtesy of Morrison.