Leading a review of a mine, and an aged beneficiation and fertiliser chemicals complex, as well as providing recommended time-phased capital investment plans
The situation
Our client required finance for an upgrade and expansion of their aged facilities which were underperforming for a range of reasons.
Advisian audited the facilities and provided:
A roadmap for maintenance to re-establish the original production rates
Upgrades to meet current environmental standards
A plan to increase production in economically optimised steps
A checklist of operations improvements to current best practise.
Our approach
Advisian led a review of a mine, and an aged beneficiation and fertiliser chemicals complex, as well as providing recommended time-phased capital investment plans to re-establish full production. An audit team reviewed the multiple sites, operational staff and management practises.
The investment roadmap for replacement and upgrading of existing facilities and was staged around economic optimums to maximise financial returns.
The report has been used as the benchmark for decision making by management. It provided a clear path forward and met the standards required by the finance institutions.