Working closely with TransGrid, Advisian assessed a range of potential technologies for energy efficiency, embedded generation, energy storage and load shifting for application at one of TransGrid’s regional centres.
The situation
TransGrid were looking for ways to demonstrate innovative technologies in peak demand management while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Our approach
Working closely with TransGrid, Advisian assessed a range of potential technologies for energy efficiency, embedded generation, energy storage and load shifting for application at one of TransGrid’s regional centres.
The final project configuration included high efficiency LED lighting with smart controllers, a solar PV array that also provides shelter for vehicles and a lithium ion battery storage system.
Advisian undertook financial modelling to optimise the capacity of each element and developed the basis of design for the final arrangement, engaging with technology providers to finalise the project budget and schedule.
Our technology, business case analysis and project delivery capabilities allowed us to quickly refine the requirements, hone in on appropriate solutions, optimise the outcomes for TransGrid and ensure the project was set up for success in the delivery phase. The iDemand project at the Wallgrove Regional Centre has been in operation since September 2014, reducing peak demand at the site by more than 50%.