Case Study

Arctic Islands Project

Arctic aerial view

Feasibility study for the surface facilities and the logistics required to develop gas reserves on an island in the Canadian High Arctic.

The situation

Advisian conducted a feasibility study for the surface facilities and logistics required to develop gas reserves on an island in the Canadian High Arctic. Both fields lie partially onshore but are expected to require future offshore wells and flowlines to fully exploit the reserves. The concept is to liquefy the gas and transport it to market in ice-breaking LNG tankers.

Our approach

The geotechnical component of the project required an assessment of all previous geotechnical work for the pipeline route, offshore jetty and dock, and the plant site.

The foundation conditions offshore are challenging due to the presence of soft sediments underlain by permafrost that contains thick layers of ice and the need to resist high lateral ice loads. The onshore facilities will be founded on either shallow or pile foundations in permafrost. Thermosyphons will be needed for the shallow foundations to keep the permafrost frozen during the summer months.


Our consultants provided an innovative solution to the plant modules by floating the permafrost foundations (protected by thermosyphons) to site and then backfilled into place. Our consultants also achieved a 'Class 5' cost estimate for this project.
