Case Study

Rubber hits the road for alliances and the Newell Highway

stretch of highway

Advisian tailored a competitive, agile and unique process to help Roads and Maritime identify and procure best-fit alliance partners that will enable delivery of at least 30 new overtaking lanes on the Newell Highway over the next four years.

Client Challenge

The Newell Highway stretches more than 1000 kilometres across the state of New South Wales, from Victoria to Queensland. It’s a key freight and regional access route, with use forecast to increase, and it’s vital that it be able to provide the required service levels for all users. Roads and Maritime identified the need for at least 30 more overtaking lanes, with delivery to be fast tracked over four years.

Given the inherent risks and resource uncertainties associated with the delivery of regional projects along the Newell Highway, Roads and Maritime identified a Program Alliance approach as the most appropriate strategy to achieve its objectives. This includes delivering the projects in optimum timeframes with safety benefits for all road users.

Given the tight four-year deadline and the substantial number of projects contained in the Program, Roads and Maritime required that the Program be commenced as soon as possible. 

Our Solution

Roads and Maritime selected an alliance contract model to deliver the overtaking lane projects within a program of works that incentivised designers and contractors to deliver better results. Roads and Maritime required procurement of an alliance in a timely and effective manner that ensured the right team fit and provided value for money to the State.

Our Advisian team presented a unique blend of resources experienced in a variety of contract delivery models. Ensuring value for money, Advisian tailored a competitive, agile and unique process, and worked within a short timeframe to procure Roads and Maritime’s first major alliance in many years. Our services included the design and implementation of a two-stage Request for Proposal process, design and facilitation of bespoke collaborative workshops, commercial negotiations, and the design and implementation of the alliance launch workshop.

Value Delivered

Advisian designed and delivered an effective, efficient framework, including producing Roads and Maritime’s alliance procurement documentation to be used for future alliances. Within five months, Advisian assisted Roads and Maritime to identify the most appropriate and best-fit alliance partners, with a procurement model that could be used as a benchmark for future alliance procurement services for Roads and Maritime.

newell highway sign

Thanks to the Advisian team for their extraordinary effort in getting the Newell Highway Program Alliance up and running.

